1.  Thanks to everyone for all the comments.  I am a genuine comment ho and I was trying not to let my lack of comments bother me.  But YAY for NaBloPoMo and Shameless Self Promotion and all the other cool bloggers from the Random group who keep stopping by.  I love y’all!

2.  If you are a crafter or a Christmas freak or a disciple of Martha, you must join this swap.  It’s the Cake & Pie and Freshly Blended Holiday Ornament Swap, and it is super fun.  I got so many amazing and cool ornaments from all over the country last year.  It’s especially great if you (like me last year) are just starting your own collection of ornaments separate from your parents’ and siblings’ tree.  I have been planning and scheming and anxiously awaiting this year’s swap, going so far as to make several “prototypes” of my ornament just so I would be ready when the announcement went out.  So what are you waiting for?  Go sign up.  Go.  Go do it NOW!!!

3.  (Not originally intended, hence the post title.)  This does not count as my official post for the day, unless, of course, the internet is on the blink again when I get home.  It has been going in and out for about the past week.  (You know, since pretty much right after I signed up for NaBloPoMo.)